Friday, June 16, 2006

Welcome, Gossipers!

1054 Hours

What a glorious morning! The air is thick with humidity, the sky is a murky gray color, leaving it uncomfortable for an afternoon nap, and the stories of blogs are running rampant with others’ take on another’s words. Well, mine anyway.

It seems “The Van DOWN BY THE RIVER!” is getting out to the gossip crowd (How are you? It’s good to have you chicky-checkin’ us out!) The new song is dedicated to each and every one of you… because it seems that I am indeed making you crazy with gossip by way of my take on life, thus words being added into my very own (somehow)… creating even more hilarious stories about my own life. Man, you crazy! So quit being adder-onners (my new word for the month of June) and just enjoy what life throws at me. We are “Kool and the Gang” and I hope you all are as well.

But anyway, if drunk dialers want to turn into drunk door-knockers, feel free, I have a “Bombat” at the front door… and by law, as it states in penal code 123.456, section A. paragraph b., of the Constitution, it clearly does state, and I quote “… if an intoxicated individual is on the doorstep of Jon, and he disagrees with his reason for knocking at an ungodly hour of the night, he, by law, has the right to use his “Bombat” to get his message across.” Or something like that.

With that being said, I leave you in the grace and favor of the Lord.

Can you dig it, suckaaaaaaaaah!!! (Does Booker T. still say that? If not, disregard. Is he still called Booker T.?)


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