Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Demise

0239 Hours

Gawdam!!! I was so close to retiring as a blogger forever, you have no idea. I should though. It is time to grow up and be an adult that doesn’t sit in front of the computer for a few hours a day doing nothing in particular. Being that it looks like I’m ready to take over the world now that I have 10 weeks of rest, the first step would be to… actually, I don’t know what the first step would be. For those of you that have a firm grasp on the world; what’s a bro’s first step to be among you? Though I hate to, I mean, I’m 13 pounds lighter since I quit work and graduated college. Why would I put myself back into the stressful world of regular-adult living. Coaching and playing softball, taking afternoon naps, hanging out with my kids have been the most fulfilling things that I have ever done up to this point of my adult life. I’ll think of something.

Once again, I have strolled through the pages of MYSPACE for sheer entertainment. I don’t know why, I have no idea what most of the pages say with all of the snazz backgrounds and music. Being that I don’t partake in the fancy “networking” because I’m as cool as a cup of coffee, I find it interesting to read some of the blogs when they actually take the time to post one. As for the others with pages… that is neither here nor there. It’s not just MYSPACE that have a lot of my fellow RLers, there are quite a few other online journal sites that keep the reading interesting, though I will not elaborate. My point being is… uh… um… my point is that there are quite a few decent story tellers around here. I’m telling you, RL should get into the entertainment business! We’re going to miss out! I’m telling you.

Maybe it’s the booze-hound in my head that’s 54 weeks dead, maybe it’s my surroundings, maybe it’s my not wanting to empathize with those that have fallen hard. One thing is for sure though… I think too damn much when I’m not drinking! Maybe it is time to retire from blogging.

Signing off…

Pirate Rupert the Pink (if I were indeed a pirate)

Shifty Jackie Santoro (if I were one of T’s cappos)

Dank Ass Slim Jimma (if I were one of Snoop’s LBC bros)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe you need a cold one....=]

4:23 PM  
Blogger Jonny R. said...

Boozers are losers!!!

4:52 PM  

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