Friday, July 07, 2006

The Words of Champ Kind

1526 Hours

While waiting an excruciating amount of time for that last post to finish, it occurred to me that I have a butt-load of typos in this blog. Since my ego doesn’t allow me to proof read, it looks like I could use an editor. Any volunteers?

I know what you’re thinking. Just because I don’t know who I’m going to vote for for chairman doesn’t mean I’m holding out on voicing my opinion due to repercussions. I’m an important member of the Red Lake community, right? Well, maybe not. Will or has this blog effected my ability to get hired in this town? Of course not. Why should it. Our sovereignty has nothing against free speech, does it? I don’t even know what that question means, just trying to sound smart.

One thing that I would do if I were in the Floyd “Buck” Jourdain campaign is take a slogan from Champ Kind and put a political spin on it. My sign would read, “It’s ChairMAN, not ChairLADY… and that’s a scientific fact!” since they’re going with movie themes. But that’s just me.

As you may or may not know, I’ve been alcohol-free for the past 54 weeks and jobless for the past 10 and I have enjoyed every single minute of it. But if and when I do get a job, the blogging will be put on the backburner because I’ve only been able to do this because of the amount of free time I have. These words are my own, they’re not meant to hurt anybody’s feelings, but if they do, tough. Oh, and I apologize. Some may think that I’m using this as a political strategy for the next election in 2008. Well, I assure you that I’m not. I should be out of here by then.

During these past few weeks of reflection it has occurred to me that I might have to give up the dream of being able to write for a living because, obviously, it won’t pay the bills. And Bill Lawrence hasn’t offered me a job. It’s kind of hard to chase childhood dreams when you have a house full of kids of your own that need to be fed, clothed, disciplined and all of that other parental stuff. I would’ve loved to try the Red Lake Radio deal but the last I heard from that was being that I was a candidate for an elected office; it wouldn’t be fair to other candidates. So I’m still waiting to hear on that.

But as for now, it will all be writing and expressing the views of a fat guy until I get a real job… or until someone wants to pay me to write. But I need and editor!


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