Sunday, July 16, 2006

Where's "Hay Bales" From?

1601 Hours

What is a fat guy to do with the weather being the way it is? It’s suffocating out there! While on my way to Bemidjiigamaag on Friday, I was listening to the radio, the free kind, and the guy on there gave the forecast for the weekend and had me excited when he said, “It looks like a nice weekend,” and then he lost me with, “with the temperatures around the upper 90s.” What?! Who considers that nice weather? Satan? Good lord. But we went to the “Cut-off” yesterday so I could try and tan my, as my wife calls them, “other pair of socks.” Yeah, I have white feet, so what?! But all I did was get hot feet. At least I added another shade to the guns though. Why do they call it the “Cut-off?”

As for today, I was sitting watching the Twins, which I rarely do because I’m stupid and pledge my undying devotion to the Cubs in hopes that someday it will all work out (23 years later, I’m still waiting)… wait, where was I? Oh, yeah… the Twins… I was thinking about how it would suck to be the current boyfriend of one of Joe Mauer’s ex-girlfriends. I mean, where the hell can you take her? Everywhere you go in the state is Joe Mauer, the homegrown All-Star catcher for the state’s pro baseball team. How can you compete with that? Just wondering.

As for the remainder of my last 74 years of life, I plan on doing stuff. Right now, I’m working on 3 different stories at the same time. Why 3 stories at the same time? Because I’m one of those scatter brains that refuses to get tested for ADHD so I can blame my inadequacies on the untreated ADHD. It’s all in the plan, baby. But once I started on the first story, I had another idea for a story, so I started on that. Then when that one got going, I had another idea, so I started in on the third one. As of right now, the first story has a page and half, the second has three and a half and the last story has two pages. I have 3 different types of stories, a drama, a comedy, and a horror/slasher, and I’m actually motivated about all of them.

What brought on this bout of motivation? The lack of jobs available for one. A few posts ago I did a sample of the jobs available to the members of Red Lake and employment didn’t look too promising after that, even with my education. So I’m out making my own way. As for how I’ll get paid for it, that has yet to be determined. As of right now, I’m looking for funding for movie equipment. Wait, this sounds like a lot of work. Plus how cool is going to be to put "Producer" in the occupation blank?

They called him “Hay Bales.” Speaking of which, shouldn’t someone protest his place of residency? If I finished 3rd, I would. But unfortunately, I finished 8th. Stupid lack of support!!!


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