Sunday, July 16, 2006

Update 071606

0347 Hours

These late nights of motivation must have the blogging public thinking that I’m fresh off a stint at the “Regal Beagle.” I assure you I’m not. And for those of you that don’t know what the “Regal Beagle” is, you have made me feel my age. Google it. That’s old school.

I say nights because, except last night, I’ve been up writing stuff. Nothing in particular, just stuff to keep me busy. But while doing so, it has me excited about the prospect of doing this for a living. With all job prospects slowly falling off the table like the silverware off of the dinner tables of the Titanic as it was going down, I find myself looking to my small talents for employment. How am I going to make this a reality? I have no idea. But it’s a start I guess. My laziness and inability to stay focused for more than a few hours has me leaning toward short stories, maybe graphic novels if I can get the wife to dust off her artistic abilities.

Another vision I have is movies. As to how I’m going to do that, I can not share. It’s top secret. So as soon as I can gather up some better equipment, the world will see itself through the eyes of the fat lazy kid! Or something like that. I suppose I could use a better blurb for my first feature film.

Election Day is 3 days away! Doesn’t it feel like the two toughest kids in school are going to be getting it on in the hallway after 3rd hour? (That’s what we used to call class times back in the 90s.) It’s getting down to the bloomers now. The incumbent and the challenger have been fairly quiet. The only interesting news is coming from “The Ojibwe News” with letters coming from supporters of the challenger only. Being that it’s Mr. Lawrence’s paper, he can do what he wants. What would have done me some good was to have a debate. I mean, there is only so much you can believe from the papers and gossip. Since neither candidate came to visit me, I can only go by what was offered in the literature and by what I’ve seen. And what I’ve seen is that Judy Roy has more to offer with her experience, history as a public servant and maybe a few less distractions than the incumbent. Like I said earlier, I am voting for Judy Roy… not that anybody cares.

As for others I’ll be putting my confidence in:

Secretary: Jody Beaulieu

Little Rock: Despite Harlan Beaulieu’s last second effort to dazzle the voting public with big words in his response to the Spaulding guy (and waaaaaaaay later I might add… did he just hear about that story? They don’t have Pioneer delivery or internet access on his farm?), I’m going with William Greene. But speaking of farms (“Hay Bales”… that was a good one in the “OjibNews”), I heard about Mr. Beaulieu living somewhere off the REZ earlier too. Like I’ve said earlier, I think we should start all over with this fancy election stuff. And yes, despite my earlier declaration, I am a little bitter. WHO’S WITH ME?!?!?!

P.S. And no, I didn’t get e-mails and comments like the big sites get, so that’s why none were posted.


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