Thursday, July 27, 2006

Right On, Chuckster!

0704 Hours

We need more people like Charles Barkley. What he said in this article can be said for Red Lakers. We have a lot of obstacles to overcome to get to where “White America” is. Instead of me reciting it word for word, read the damned thing for yourself since you’re not working like you’re supposed to be anyway. Slacker.

Now should we expect a flurry of confessions from all of the boybands of the ‘90s? Or does he mean “gay” as in lame? Just wondering.

I’m putting an application in at “Smart Skate,” ASAP. Is it still called “Smart Skate?” I haven’t been there since New Year’s 1990 as a freshman in high school.

While up at 5am because I had to wash clothes this morning due to my vicious tanning session yesterday at the Comp Health Youth Softball Tourney (where my little Wolf Pack team took 3rd after 7 hours of games… I’m so proud) and watching videos to pass the time, I think Kelly Clarkson digs me. Look at the way she’s looking at me in the video. Don’t you think?

Speaking of yesterday’s tourney, after that marathon of coaching games, I had to go and play right after in Redby, where we lost a tough one, 23-22. I have to seriously consider retiring from coaching. I’m getting too old for the stress.


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