Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Magic Post #204

2350 Hours

What does the future have in store for me? It seems, in my 30 years, I have done less with so much that it’s shameful. But that’s just me thinking the way I do to keep myself in check.

I don't know why I started out with that. It seemed like it would've took off. Guess not.

But looking out at the weekend, it seems Red Lakers are doing what Red Lakers do. How do I know? Well, I used to do the same thing; go to the store, load up on munchies for the kids, go pick up the babysitter and head for a night out without a care in the world. The beer flowed like the rivers of ancient Babylon. Most of the time, there were regrets. Now that I look back, I wasn’t as cute or tough or smart as I thought as I when I was under the influence. It’s like a fantasy world for adults, reliving past glories and taking credit for things that had nothing to do with them. It usually ends up with doing stupid stuff that they can never take back that they wish they could. That’s how I remember those days. And I didn’t even mention the hang-overs! But it was time for me to grow up. And here I am, though not fully mentally grown up yet. I’m on my way though… I hope.

Lately, there hasn’t really been much time to hang out with the bros. It’s not like we avoid each other (or maybe they're all avoiding me… wouldn’t be the first time [sigh]), it’s just that we’re all fathers now and have adult things to worry about like bills and jobs (some of us have to find one… like me [more on that in a minute] and others have to worry about keeping one.) But when we do get together, the conversations have movie or sitcom written all over them. One time me and my buddy were talking about the new hardcore drugs and how they could keep a bro awake for days at a time. We thought, “Why would you want to stay awake for days at a time? Sleeping is the best thing ever!” I mean, I cherish every second of sleep I can get, even though I recently eliminated the whole midday nap and traded it in for sleeping until noon so as to not look like a lazy brute to potential job recruiters. Okay, maybe I exaggerated on the conversations having movie or sitcom written all over them. Sue me!

Speaking of employment, I might have a yob (or is it pronounced JOB with a hard “J”). It was offered today and I might start next week. Working with the youth looked like it had passed me by when I wasn’t hired for the Prevention Specialist, so it should be fun. It looks like the bloggin’ will come to a slight halt starting next week and I’m sure it will crush my 3 loyal readers (I think it was up to 5 at one point).

Speaking of employment Vol. II, I put in 2 more applications in today, bringing the total apps put in so far to an even snowman; 8. I’ve been turned down 4 times, one interview next Friday, 1 sometime soon and 2 more on the horizon. Plus, my loan application should be getting turned down by early August, which would actually make that last plus a negative. Whatever, bro. At least I’m still good-looking! Oh, I’m not? Never mind then.


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