Monday, October 09, 2006

The Crawl Space

2327 Hours

It looks like I overestimated the ETA of my bizz. I expected to have my equipment by the end of last week and get to know it over the weekend, but things come up, so… this week the ball should be rolling. I’ll order the stuff this week, give ‘er a few days for the delivery of the stuff and we should be rolling by the end of next week. “94 Warriors Studios” will be up and running within the next few weeks.

Is anyone else getting this “Ghetto” vibe around here? I mean, I’m scared to leave the house after dark. Then when I do, I’m scared to leave the family home alone even though it’s just to the store and back. At least it’s getting some attention for once. Is it too late for us? I know if I had the money, I would get the hell out of here as fast as I can. Honestly, what is there around here to be proud of lately? All the negativity gets the headlines and those that are doing something positive with their lives; they get swept under the rug. They say it can only get worse before it gets better. Isn’t that scary? I sure hope the Chairman and the rest of the council can do something before it gets too late to act. So far, most of the council has been pretty quiet, nobody really stands out. I don’t know what I’m expecting of our elected leaders. Maybe it’s someone who will command the attention of the world and have them eating out of their hand. Isn’t that what should be expected of a great leader? Maybe I watch too many movies. Houses being broken in to, crackheads seeing taking a hit in driveways for everyone to see, drunks everywhere… our leaders have quite the task in front of them. Good luck to us.

Good lord, that was depressing. Come to think of it, how do I know what the “Ghetto” would be like? It just seems like that’s what it would be like. Again, too many movies for the fat kid. At least the Vikings won today. A win’s a win!

How awesome is this? Bill Hader did an awesome Pacino last season and that was the last of it. It’s about time. “Where I come from, you keep 20 in your sock and the rest under the tarp in your crawl space!” Words to live by.

With Monday coming up, it’s time for “Heros.” I promised not get involved with anymore shows to due the lack of time I have for the ones I’m watching now, but this is a pretty good show. I suppose this goes back to the childhood and wanting to be a superhero. Another good new show is “Friday Night Lights.” That was surprising. I know you weren’t saying “Suggest away, Jonny R…. what’s up?!” but I thought I would just share TV tips.

Remember: “94 Warriors Studios” coming soon. You’ve been warned.


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