Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hey, Darlin' (wink).

1816 Hours

Does it feel like a Friday to everyone else or am I just being lazy?

How do you do?! So many days without sharing the thoughts I almost forgot my damn passwords to my spots. Why the neglecting of the blog? I’ve been too busy, babies! Softball, a different full-time job and a brand new baby boy have been chomping up the minutes to my recent days. But now I’m back and the first question on my agenda: What’s a chick’s “London Bridge” and why does it fall down? Like I asked many posts ago about Bon Jovi’s “Have a Nice Day,” is the world running out of song ideas?

Okay, maybe that wasn’t the deepest of thoughts. One of the problems that are arising in my eyes are “Reality TV” which isn’t reality at all. I was watching “Hogan Knows Best” a few weeks ago, the one where Brooke went missing for a while on vacation alone, and Hulk and Linda were so worried sick about their daughter they were almost in tears (I would be too but…) when I wondered why they didn’t call the guy who has the camera, you know, THE ONE THAT’S FOLLOWING HER!!! But I’m still a little “Hulk-a- Maniac.”

Has anyone seen 50 Cent? Did we hurt his feelings when nobody went to his movie? Just wondering.

If I were elected to the Red Lake Tribal Council, after I had banned all men’s cologne’s, I would ban all wearing of sports jerseys by everyone over the age of 17. Why? I just believe you shouldn’t wear another dude’s jersey unless he’s taking you to the Homecoming dance. Agreed? Man Law! (I would've been an awesome Little Rock Rep!)

Does anyone else agree that the lame white guy ruined the goatee? (Do you know how long it took me to find a picture of “Screech?” F***** SCREECH!!! AND THE LINK DOESN'T EVEN WORK!!!)

Is it me, or did Sam Rockwell get robbed of an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Zaphod Beeblebrox? That has to be one of my favorite movie characters of all time, between “Wooderson” and “Ron Burgundy.” From now on, I’m going to wink after everything I say.

For now, that is all I have. “You’re gorgeous, stop it, you’re driving me crazy (wink).”


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