Tuesday, September 26, 2006


2208 Hours

“We are gathered here today to celebrate this thing we call life…” and I forgot the rest of the song. Yes, I’m a bad Minnesotan, I know. WTF is up?! For me, the past few months have been overly satisfying. I mean, I don’t even deserve what I have. But I have it and I’m not giving any of it up, so suck it!

Since about late July, I was employed at “Warrior Down” for approximately 3 weeks, moved over to the RLHS since August, have been playing softball by finishing up the Redby league with a 6-8 record, had a baby boy by the name of Jaxson Ray Roberts (actually, my wife had him… I just supervised the birth stuff) who is named after the “Uncle Master” Raymond Joseph Roberts (kinda named after him I suppose), dropped out of “Fat School” (the “Balancing Our Lifestyle” program), got my kids school supplies/clothes, paid for 3 birthdays within 39 days, started Red Lake Fall Softball League by going 4-0 (no thanks to this no-talent (but surprisingly speedy…ask my teammates!) rally killer), turned in another application to start my own business (not to mention eagerly anticipating the rejection letter in the upcoming days so I can give those above me feces about not giving us with bad credit another chance… (and I’ll say for the 864th time) Jesus forgave!!! You all think you’re bigger and better than Jesus?! Oh, and got my oldest her stupid violin for free lessons at school. Woo! I need a smoke.

Enough about me… nah, let’s keep talking about me and how clueless I am about the “Rez Life.” The Red Lake Nation is hurting for… I don’t know what… hug perhaps? “Let’s hug it out, b****,” as Ari Gold would say. (Yeah, I still censor myself. Being a father has really caused my usually R-rated life turn to motherf*****’ PG! All of this is just in case my children ever come across this site, so there.) I suppose alcohol is the downfall of it all. Or drugs. Or stupidity. F*** it! Let’s blame all of it and enjoy our descent into hell. Bring some sunscreen!

Speaking of Satan’s place, I remember when “Buzz” Gustafson (I know all of you old “River Roaders from the mid to late 90s know who Buzz is… that’s bush… bush league) was on one of his rants where he brought up how some Mormons (or some other religion where you can marry more than one broad… oh, that’s the only one?) believed that we were already living in hell. At the time, it didn’t seem likely. But now, at least everybody I know is in it with me! Though I would not admit to saying “There is no one else I would go to Hell with” about most of you. But I still love you. Not you (points with lips) though.


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