Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen...

So nobody wanted to guess that song from Friday, huh? FINE!!! I actually had a winner from about a month ago about the "Is the juice worth the squeeze?" quote, but I didn't actually offer a prize... so sorry SHE WHO WATCHES TOO MUCH TV. Maybe next time, buddy. Or is it that nobody likes the prizes I'm giving away? Maybe that's it... well, how about money then? As soon as I find some, I'll give it away. Whatever. But, I was thinking about my book, and maybe that's not such a good idea. Some people have a habit of taking things the wrong way (like me for instance). So, I'll just continue to bore the blog world with my ramblings about nothing in particular. What is going on today? Hmm... how about the, uh, no... I talked about that already. What about the direction our society is headed? Wow. Good topic, Jon. I see that some things are acceptable for some to say or do, while it's unforgivable for others to do or say the same thing. Is it manners? Respect? Or what? I was watching a Chris Rock performance last night, and, is it me, or is he capable of running our country? The things he was saying were right on. There were only things that he could say and get away with, which I admire the most. I'm part of a minority group, can I say whatever the hell I want without being labled a racist? Or am I already a racist? What is the definition of racist? Is it thinking that your race is far more superior to other races? Because if that's the definition, then no, I'm not a racist. By the way we as Natives, though not all, are wasting every opportunity that we get, myself included, I don't think that we are a superior race. We drink, we smoke, make excuses for our surroundings, act disrespectful, do stupid things, but then again, every race does that. So I guess no race is superior to another. I used to say things when I tried to rap along with some of these millionaire rappers, does that make me a racist? I paid almost $20 for a CD, can I sing along with it without getting labled a racist? Or am I supposed to buy the edited version? Or what? Hell no, I'm not buying the edited version! 20 bucks... ridiculous. I'll go back to the Washington Redskins, just this one last time. The whole world gets to say Redskins throughout the winter. Does that seem fair? Alright, now I'm upset. Hey, I sounded pretty smart for a few seconds. Maybe I should run for a public office or something. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, LYDELL JON ROBERTS. That looks awesome! But I guess I would have to start small. Governor? Senator? Congressman? Mayor? Chairman!!! Nah, maybe smaller. So now maybe I have a political career to look forward to. Nah, too much work for me. I'll think of something. I'm outta here den!!!


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