Saturday, April 16, 2005

Me and Vaness...

Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for Vanessa Carlton! Woo!!! *The Jon claps like a lunatic and continues to do so until he realizes he is all alone at work* Yes people, I had the opportunity to see Vanessa Carlton live last night. I even got to meet her before her show which was pretty cool. She's a very beautiful young lady if I do say so myself. I got an autograph (which I never do) and a picture with her (which I shall post soon... when I do, just ignore her scared look, k?), where I offered my hand in friendship like the ancestors would have done when she came up to me (and she's shorter than she looks), and said, "Hey, Jon Roberts, Red Lake, Minnesota,"... at least that's what I thought I said. For some reason I was nervous as balls. I must have been over taken by her innocent beauty from the very beginning (hey, I sound like a poet or something!) as she was doing her sound check. And I swear to God, during her show, while she was doing her set (that's what we call her list of songs in the bizz), she looked right at me at least 5 times! ME AND VANESSA CARLTON MADE EYE CONTACT! 5 TIMES! SWEAR TO GOD! It looks like Vida Guerra has some competion as the the next Mrs. Jon Roberts Vol. II. She seemed like a pretty normal 20-something year old, swore like any of us would (now that I think about it, I'm on my last year of my 20's!!! WTF!!!). Wow, I'm gettin up there in age, bro. Now I'm depressed. I'm gonna go eat and eat and eat and eat until my bout with reality subsides. Check ya laterrrrrrrrrrr! (yes, I am still the lamest.)


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