Monday, March 14, 2005

Do Be Do Be Dooooo!!!

DAY THREE: Read day two. It was pretty much the same thing and day four was just the loooong drive home battling the panic attacks, which I barely won. So there was my weekend. Pant-load of fun, pant-load of misery caused by many elements, mostly alcohol. I must admit that I now realize I have a problem. I don't drink because I need to, I do it out of boredom. And that looks like denial to me!!! I just don't want it to get out of hand so I must stop now. To do that, I'm afraid I'll have to stay away from those that make me want to drink. I'm at the most confusing time of my life right now, and alcohol won't help me find my way out of my state of confusion. So I'll do it for myself. CHARGE!!! There, now that's out of the way... on with the bloggin!!! Umm... I'm drawing a blank. Oh yeah!!! Spring break is upon us!!! So I'm heading to Cancun, Mexico... okay, no I'm not. I'm gonna try to get caught up on my school work and turn this motha around! I'm so lost. The school work is depressing me, among other things. But, whatever, man. It's time to get out of my funk (AGAIN!) and get back to focusing on school. So wish me luck with that. I'm off to TRY to do some work. Later.


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