Monday, March 07, 2005

Alright, Alright, Alright...

Fresh off a 3 day bowling/drinking/hell-raising binge, I'm slowly trying to focus. Man, that was a lot of beer! I don't feel too bad though. My game was a little off... okay, my game was derailed as soon as I let my first ball go. But, while we were the last ones bowling the last day, I turned it up a notch while everybody was watching and finished the tourney with a 198. Yeah, boy-eee!!! Instant respect. The ride was a killer; 6 hours in the plains? Get the f*&% outta here! The beer drinking took it's toll on me by way of me having to fight off the panic attacks all weekend, so that sucked ass. It was just a rough weekend all around. Having doubts about going back next year. I need a new effin' hobby. School is going as smooth as gravel for me. If I pull this off this semester, it will the biggest comeback in the history of little indian boys who went to college. I get distracted so easily, it's embarrassing. The grades are going to suffer once again and since this is my last chance to dance as a... (damn! I couldn't find an appropriate rhyme!) college boy, my whole family is gonna be pissed, disappointed, and whatever else. I didn't even realize when I quit caring. I'm not motivated for anything lately. I don't want to do any school work, go anywhere, do anything. What the eff!!! I'm so close to finishing, but, motivation is my problem. Whatever, man. Maybe it was my last b-day. Pushing 30 might be too much for the Jon. It was the worst b-day I ever had. Even worse than when nobody showed up for my 12th b-day party. Boo-hoo! I have got to lay off the pity trips! What the hell is wrong with me? This isn't the Jonny R. I programmed! F*&% this, I'm going do some school work! Who's coming with me! Let's go! Oh, wait. I guess only I can do the school work, aye? Cripes!!! Well, I'm off to do some learnin'. Later gators! (At least my lameness is still intact.)


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