Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Countdown Is On

Greetings, fellow citizens of this fine country. Man, I'm such a kiss-ass! It's been a while since I've let out a rant, aye? So here it is: Woo! What an eye-opening week it's been for me. I've known for about the past few years that this is NOT the best place in the world to live. You would think that growing up in a Native community, everybody would look out for one another, like our ancestors did. It's not like that around here. And not everything can be blamed on alcohol. Now, like I've said before, I'm no angel either by any means. But, one thing that I've always tried to do is take responsibility for my actions. Yeah, I have trouble paying money back all the time, but who doesn't? Okay, maybe the money part is just me. But, I digress. The past few years I've had to deal with deaths (many) in my family, betrayed by those that had been close to me, my sister and nephews moving far away and... I think that's all. Oh yeah, and the whole college thing (which has been stressing me out more and more lately) BOO HOO!. So now I ask myself, "Is the juice worth the squeeze?" I don't think it is anymore. I heard that in a movie once (whoever knows that movie... well, I've done this before and nobody took me up on my prize so... EFF YOU THEN!!![hoh, I'm crazy, eh?]). But anyway, I think it's time for me to pack up and head on out of this place. I don't think I'll ever amount to more than a drunk with an average paying job around here. I know there is so much more for me out there. My people around here always bring me down anyway with how the disrespect, stupidity, and the mother of 'em all, DECEPTION flows within our borders. You can't trust anybody in Red Lake. So I've noticed there is not enough room around here for me to succeed like I want to. So, as of today, I'm on my last few days as a resident of the Little Rock community here in Red Lake, Minnesota. I've failed at so many things around this area, maybe I need a change of scenery. We shall soon find out. I'm outta here!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wandering around on the net, like I am apt to do a bit every day. Found you. You remind me of my sons--both of them in college, both of them, I am sure, stressed and overwhelmed and unsure of the future at times. Hey, come to think of it, that describes me, too...

Just sending you some love, from one human to another. You sound like a strong person; intelligent and with a lot going for you. Peace...

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Quotez Frm "The Girl Nxt Door" Yeup Tru Storrie! *smilez proudly* So Wut Do0o00o I Win? NeWaez I Like Tha Journalz! Funnie Yet Well Thought Outt...

11:01 PM  

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