Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Normalcy Is On It's Way

What the hell is going on?! Baseball season has kicked off, the NBA season is almost over (though I have watched parts of some games, but not quite a full game, my boycott is semi-successful), I actually watched the final round of the Masters where Tiger was awesome even though he wasn't at his best, and... what else is there? Oh, the movie business has been good to me recently and is only going to get better. At one point this year, I had seen 7 of the 9 movies showing at the theater (sad but true as said by the awesomeness that is Metallica). But by far the best 2 movies I have seen this year ( a tie for 1st place) have to be Million Dollar Baby, 'cause f'n Dirty Harry almost had me crying (DIRTY HARRY OF ALL PEOPLE!!!) and it was an excellent movie, and Sin City. I was stunned while sitting thru this movie. Mickey Rourke had an amazing performance (Oscar nomination, anyone?) he was ruthless, cruel, and cool. Frodo was unbelievable. Who woulda thunk it? Jessica Alba was, well, Jessica Alba. The dialogue was quick, cool, not too deep ( I don't like to think when I pay to see a movie). Boobies and booties! What more can a man ask for in a film. In time, it could take over the top spot on my top ten list. Plus we have Episode III and Batman Begins coming up. I'm such a nerd. But, on with other things in my life... my mind has been clearing lately. Being closer to those that I adore has been a huge comfort. Everything that was hurting my growth as a responsible adult has subsided (check it out, I used big words!) for the time being. It's hard to keep a straight head around this part of the country. You never know who is going to hurt you or turn on you. My biggest problem I've noticed recently is that I try to know what is going to happen in my life months, weeks, days, or even hours down the line. Being that way does keep me out of trouble, but it also raises doubts about the people around me. So I guess that goes back to my trust issues. I'm working on it, man! Is it me, or is Ludacris the worst rapper of all time. I mean, he has some good beats, well, except for the Austin Powers one I'm hearing right now, but it sounds like he's just sitting somewhere giving vague observations of the scene around him. 2pac used to talk about forgiveness, the city he loved and lived in, applauding single mothers, and love, peace and other noble things. Ludacris talks about how he tells people to get out of his way, demanding that people get out of their comfy chairs, and how he hit'em right there in the jaw. What is this world coming to? Whatever, bro.


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