Sunday, April 17, 2005

Where Am I?

"As the cool breeze of a beautiful April afternoon blew threw my 1/4 inch long hair, I had realized that the confusion that I had left behind a few days earlier has made it's way back into my already scrambled mind." Not bad, aye? Yeah, I could write like that for days like, all corny and stuff, but that's not me, man. I'm am the anti-corny guy. Well, I try to be anyway. Anyway, yes I am back to being the confused individual I was last week. Who put me in this state? That's nobody's business but mine. When other people get involved, words get twisted, intentions are changed for better or sometimes worse. I don't let people in, which I've been told before, is my biggest problem. I was supposed to get back to school last week but things come up. Things that could have been avoided, but weren't. Who knows why? Things happen, we live, we learn and all that other juicy stuff. Now, as I set out to roam this world alone, with only a few to look out for, I must turn off all emotional attachments to those other than the 3 most important people in my life. Everyone else is s#!*(another word for excrement) out of luck! Woo! What a load off of my mind. Okay, maybe it's not now, but it will be soon. Every new day has something for me to learn. If I want to take it all as a learning experience is another story. What causes me to feel like this, you ask? Well, I'm not really sure. It could be the environment that I'm in. Nothing to do but drink and get stupid on this rez. I should learn from my past mistakes. But everything is easier said than done I suppose. Jeez, I'm depressing myself! I haven't even made a semi-funny reference. Hmm... what could I say to lighten the mood? Holy... I'm fresh out of humor!!! What's happening to me?! Nothin', bro. I'm cool. I gotta do some research to find something to complain about. I'll be back in jiff!


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