Friday, May 06, 2005


Yet again, another Friday is upon us. And a beautiful Friday I might add. Awesome! Let's see... what's on the people's agenda today? Work, bowling, and trying to fight the good fight against alcoholism. Wish me luck. I'm going to need it. FUGGIT! GIMME A BEER! Okay, the urge is gone now. But, anyway, I'm back at work full time until next semester making and saving some scratch (still my new lame word for money... and it hasn't caught on yet, hmm...) so I can go on vacation sometime this summer, hopefully to Chicago to see a certain team that starts with a "C" and ends with "UBS". This is the year, man! I've had one request to start my book on the blog, so we'll see how that goes. Thanks for the ego boost, Mar! You're my boy, Mar!!! Not much else going on with me lately, just laying low, trying to stay out of the gossip columns and stuff. There's nothing to do around this place, which is why I'm the raging alcoholic that I am. Well, maybe not raging, but I do like the occasional party... but who doesn't? Right? Huh? Huh? Who's with me? Then again, denial is the first stage of alcoholism or addiction. Isn't it? I heard that somewhere, not too sure how true it is. But, whatever, bro. Just sitting here waiting for 7CRL to open so I can go be nosey and learn more stuff about more stuff. Or does it open at 9AM on Fridays? Holy, I think it does! Oops! In the immortal words of Scarface (Half Baked Edition), "Fu$% you, fu@# you, fu&% you... you're cool, and fu@# you, I'm out!"


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