Saturday, November 18, 2006

Here It Is!

1955 Hours

The day is getting closer. December 5, 2006 will be the first day of business for 94 WARRIORS STUDIOS and with the first teaser trailer on-line, it actually looks like a legitimate business venture, though it took me all day to compress my footage to get it on the MySpace pages (because, like “The Sports Guy,” I’m an idiot… really, ask my wife… I am.) The “Battle River” project has actually been in the works for a few years. I just finally came through with the resources to get started. So that should be an interesting few months.

But in the mean time, to pay the bills I’ll be offering my services to the great citizens of the Red Lake Nation and the many local businesses/programs that could use some video production, for a fee of course. Send an e-mail while visiting this site or to inquire about services and prices.

Enough of the whoring my services!


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