Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Alpha Nerd in the House

2253 Hours

The days are going by faster and faster. What I’ll miss the most are the campaign ads. Won’t you? Taking cheap shots at certain words by not using them the same way as they were intended is what America is all about, is it not? Viva liberals!

I have no idea what I just said. Those 90s were pretty hard on the old man. I’m old, I’m confused! And a little burnt out. Or is it burned out? Either way, I’ve had my fun. It’s time for the next generation to f*** up and learn the hard way. May experience teach you well, young drunks of the world. Or you can just learn from us “Bush Leaguers” and/or Nancy Reagan and “Just Say No!”

Ah, the 80s; filled with “Pac-Man,” the Atari 2600, a normal Michael Jackson and of course, Eddie “Party All the Time” Murphy. I know if I were in the studio and Eddie was going in to record, I would’ve been all, “Are you serious?!” even though I was only about 9-years-old. Speaking of “PATT,” would Rick James have been as cool as he is now if it were not for Dave Chappelle?

MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION FOR AN IMPORTANT BULLETIN: I have decided to rid myself of the “Soul Patch.” It was not meant to be a fashion statement in the years it was on my ugly face, it was purely for comfort. Yeah, I was never trying to be cool. It’s so rare for me to have facial hair (except for the cool ‘stache I used to rock from late high school until early 21st century) which caused irritation when I would cut it. I’ve said too much. But for the rest of you with the full mustaches only look, keep on rockin’ em… they’re on their way back along with “The Tail.” Okay, maybe they’re not. But at least they look cool! (wink, wink)

With the recent hold up of my impending business venture, it surely does pay to have patience. If not for that patience, I would’ve ordered all the wrong stuff and f***** up the whole plan. Plus patience helps in the real world too. Right now I have more patience than a free-clinic doctor. (Ohhh!) That is going into my rap song if I ever decide to become a dope rapper. But anyone who wants to use it is more welcome than the new democrats in the house and senate! (Nerrrrrrrr-deeeeeee!!!) Dang it! I lost my coolness in a matter of 3 sentences. Nothing new to me though.

Quote of the day (which is what I’m going to use during the coin-flip for the softball season next year): “Is this it priest, the pope’s new army, a few crusty b!tches and a handful of rag tags?”

Any one of my 3 readers know what that’s from? Come on! First correct answer gets a coupon for the soon-to-open “94 Warriors Studios” for… uh, I’m not sure yet. Begin!

p.s. be my friend... come aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhn!


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