Thursday, May 25, 2006


That was the score of our game last night. And it was us that actually scored 30! Just a well played game on our side. Fundementals all around. Good job, us! Woohoo!!! No links today, just bragging. But I think we should've saved some runs for the rest of the season. We'll see I guess.

Did anyone catch "Lost" last night? Or am I the only nerd who watches that? Probably.

These midday naps are awesome! I would recommend them to all.

Happy Graduation, Bubba, Mowgli, and Shorty!

I'm hungry.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"R." to "Blaze"

I think I'm going to change my last name to Blaze. How cool is that?

I'm Ready, I'm Ready, I'm Ready!

After our first night of practice, the adult team is locked, stocked and ready to rock!!! Not really, but our season starts tonight. Only a few showed up last night, but we're hoping for a full squad tonight. Those that want to see magic happen with an awesome display of fundementals can do so at the Green Lake field in Redby this evening.

As for other crap, not much happening. Just waiting to put in more applications for upcoming openings. But I am going to be a lawyer type thing for my mom. She was treated unfairly and I'm going to put my education to use today by way of picking apart some policies and procedures and those that are supposed to go by them. You have been warned. Just kidding. That wasn't a warning, it was a fact.

With the holiday weekend approaching, I expect there to be many parties. Parties that I will have nothing to do with because today is officially my 11th month of sobriety. ELEVEN WHOLE MONTHS WITHOUT ONE SIP OF ALCOHOL!!! Is there some kind of reward for that, or what? Speaking of alcohol and the stupid acts done while under the influence, if you drunk dial me and I don't know or like you, I will post your number on here and other places. I will answer, track you down, and humiliate you. TRY ME! PLEASE?! So please, get a clue. NOBODY here wants to talk to YOU!

Did anybody dig my links the other day? Any of you 4 visitors? I know there is an easier, space reducing means for that, but I'm too lazy for that nerd computer stuff. I'll find more links after my stupid grass gets cut.

Have a super-duper-ooper glorious day, my fellow native americans and whoever stumbles upon this eye-sore of a sight. Rock and roll!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Job Search: Day Bezhig

1532 Hours

Fresh out of my first post-graduation job interview, I feel like I took a gun to a knife fight. Well, not really. The usual butterflies were there and stuff, so I’m not too sure how it went. But they asked why I would be the best candidate for the job, and I replied with maybe a tad too over-confident, “Because I’m awesome.” Nothing else came to mind. So there you have it. When in doubt, you can never go wrong with being awesome. I was just kidding by the way.

Up next is an application dealing with helping others with getting jobs. So we’ll see how that goes because there aren’t too many jobs that allow a bro to be online all day updating his blog. But one thing I did find was a site with some good music. It’s the Blink 182 guy with his new band, Angels & Airwaves So check that out if you’re into the whole rock/alternative deal.

As for right now, I have a lawn that needs to be ignored for another day and that midday nap isn’t going to take itself.


Top O' The Morning

I must say, "Superman Returns" is looking awesomer with every new trailer Is "awesomer" a word? Well, it is now.

Did anyone watch "The Sopranos" last night? Well deserved whack, I must say. Speaking of he who got whacked, that reminds me of this commercial

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hate Me

This song reminds me of myself because of all of the stuff I put my wife, kids, and mother through. But now I'm cured!!!


1617 Hours

“Ears and noses will be the trophies of the day…” What’s that on then, anyone, anyone? Nobody?! Fine.

Anyway, for sure this time I’m going to be updating this blog regularly now that I’m retired from gaming and my political aspirations are now sleeping with the fishes. We will call this… actually; I don’t know what to call this yet. It will be like that Pop Candy site I linked to before, but for Red Lake. I will guide you to unfound treasures on the web. Or I’ll just shoot my mouth off about nothing in particular in order to entertain those at the office who have nothing to do like me when I was working.

“The working man is a sucker!” – Callogero Anello

To be honest, I actually love being “retired.” I sleep late if I want, watch every SportsCenter if I want to, Beverly Hills 90210, videos… pretty much just lounge all day. Now, only if there were a way to get paid for this. With God as my witness, I shall find a way to do this full-time and get paid doing it! It’s going to be tricky, but I shall find a way to make this possible.

This was just an update of upcoming deals. I gotta go. That TV isn’t gonna watch itself!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

With graduation behind me, (the story is at and Election Day this Wednesday, it's almost time for me to get back to regular adult living by finding a J-O-B. But I do have an interview on May 22. Yeah, the pay is a lot less than what I made at RLGE, which I feel I didn't earn or deserve, but it will involve working with the kids of Red Lake. The search will continue on Monday!

As for other news, did anyone catch SNL last night? There was a sketch with Al Gore and how he was the President in some alternate time or universe. Is it just me, or was anyone else wishing for the 2000 election to go his way even more? It felt like everything was going to be all right with the world again for a few minutes. They completed the effect with the Oval Office setting. How depressing is that?

I wish people would quit drunk dialing my phone. It's almost 4 in the morning! Nobody wants to talk to you! You're like a weird stalker! So it would be super-duper if you would call during regular hours. Did that make me sound like an old man? Well, I am 30, you know.

Yeah, I can say stuff like that because I've been sober for almost 11 months now. I can hardly believe it myself! It's starting to get sad with all of the drugs and alcohol around here. Once beautiful young people who were so full of potential and admirable are now struggling to keep a normal lifestyle. The dependency has crippled that potential of this "REZ." Because of this, I bet the age limit for Tribal Council candidates will be lowered to 21. To be honest, it would be a good idea. We have a lot of younger individuals who would be more than capable of doing the job of our current council. WHO'S WITH ME?!?!?!

With this enourmous amount of time off I've had, there are so many ideas I want to explore. What better time than now, aye? The stories I've heard over the years have to be known. They have to shared with a worldwide audience. So the first act of my "Kung-Fu-ness" (that meaning I will wander the land searching for whatever Kwai Chang Caine was looking for) is to get a movie going to share the stories with the world. You may laugh now, but wait until I'm at the Oscars getting nominated for Best Picture. Muuuhahahahahaha! I'll keep you posted on the journey.

So now I must do some research!

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I'm Here to Help

Since I've declared myself an alternate to the slipping RLNN, I've come across... NOTHING! This is really a difficult task. But let's ramble about nothing in particular. Oh, and for you spam blogger cats who leave links to your inappropriate sites, just remember this site is for all ages. I encourage all ages to read this so just keep that in mind. If not, I will hunt you down and hurt you. Have a nice day!

But anyway, I know what it's like to sit in your desk all day when your tasks are done (or you're so clueless to what you're supposed to do that you don't dare ask for help) with nothing left to do. First of all, let me direct you to the source that got me into the bloggin bizz. It's on the USA Today site, and it's called Pop Candy It has all kinds of links to interesting happenings on the web, like music, movies, TV, books, and crap like that. I was known to be checking that site often when I was "working."

Another is one that happens to be my favorite writer. But lately, he's been slipping and not giving us too much to read. Ladies and gentlemen... The Sports Guy Bill Simmons! I think his new league is going to take off like Randy Moss with :02 left in the last game of the season! Just kidding. I miss you 84. Do you miss us? That reminds me of the one of the greatest quotes of all time. I believe it was after the Green Bay game when he mooned the crowd. He was asked about how he's going to pay the fine and answered with, "Straight cash, homey. When you're rich, you don't write checks." Priceless. Reason #54,321 that I can't wait to be rich. Picture me at Judy's in Redby when they ask how I'll be paying. I'll tilt my head down, look at the cashier with a little smirk and say, "Straight cash, homey. When you're rich, you don't write checks." I can't wait!

As for now, I'll search for more sites to recommend for your viewing pleasure while you're hard at "work." You can thank me later, bro.


Yeah, it's the 150th post on the people's blog. Oh the memories, aye? Remember that one time I talked about that one thing? I was just crazy, eh? Well, maybe I wasn't as funny as I thought was or still am. Good times.

Well, since isn't updated as much as it used to be, I shall step up to the challenge and deliver views, some news, stories, or anything else that I can think of that can be helpful to the Red Lake community, because that's who I care about. I love each and every one of you. I love you (points with lips), you (points), you're a'ight, and... but not you (points with lips).

So... what up in today's world?

Who went to the forum last night in Little Rock? I did. Well, I was one of the speakers, so I was there... and if I had bells, I would've worn them to complete the effect of me being happy to be there. Of course I was about 10 minutes late. (No matter how early I try to get ready for anything, having a wife and 3 girls, I will never be on time for anything. They see to it. GOOD LORD!!!) But I did get most of Chairman Jourdain's speech and dug it. Later on though, he laid the smack down on his non-believers who refer to him as the "Drug Chairman." He was very thorough in explaining to those in attendance how the task force business went down. Well done, sir. Well done.

Now that I think about what went down last night, it would take up so much room to get it all in and BLOGGER always f***s up my huge blogs, I would not do justice to all candidates that showed up last night by summarizing what they said in a short sentence. But I must say that the best speech of the night, excluding my own of course due to my ability to try and be objective, had to go to Treasurer Seki. Touching on the topics of the lake, money, and programs... it was very inspiring. Gold star goes to you, Mr. Seki.

And guess who was the last speaker of the night? THE MAIN EVENT? THE SHOWSTOPPER? Yeah, it was me and yes I watched too much wrestling during my impressionable years. As I said in my political blog, I was a nervous wreck. I mean, how was I supposed to follow all (some) of those great speeches? It seemed like I would have said the same thing as others, but, as in my own personal policy on words, they were all my own. From the bottom of my chubby heart, to the top of my head, and onto the keyboard. I wrote what I felt in that speech. Somebody had to say it, might as well be me! No, I haven't really discussed the issues in what I've said. The issues are going to be there regardless. My family wasn't there to support me because of the "Baby Boy" status I've grown up with I assume. They didn't want to see me in such a stressful situation. But, I'm a grown-ass man. Educated in many fields of higher education. So many, that to this day, I still don't know what I want to do. Mass Comm. is just something to get me to see other opportunities. I've considered being a teacher many times, and still am. I want to be a social worker. I want to be a writer. I want to entertain the masses with my writings if possible. Most of all I want to be a role model. But the thing that appealed to me recently was the tribal council. The opportunity to get up there presented itself, so I'm going for it.

Wait! Where did I quit being entertaining? TARTAR SAUCE! Now I have to start over.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Somebody Had to Say It!

Greetings and salutations! Welcome to "The Van DOWN BY THE RIVER!" I see it's been many weeks since I've last posted on this site and let me apologize for the long delay. The usual suspects keep me from posting but I shall update more often since I am no longer employed. Yes, you read that right. I self terminated myself from my job to seek other ventures. As to what those other ventures include, I have no clue. I'm out there for the world to see or use. My mind is an open book. If you have any job opportunities, let a brotha know! Other than my run at a political office (, I don't really have anything on the table right now. So without further a'do, let's get some topics rolling, shall we?

  • Being that all immigrants are taking the day off, does that mean nothing but Native Americans will be working, shopping, and going to school today? I mean, other than us, everybody is an immigrant. Am I wrong in assuming this? It's our world again!!! Just wondering. You gotta be specific sometimes, you know? If I've offended anyone... tough! Deal with it! It's my blog and I can say whatever I want! But I still love you.
  • Is this Moussaoui guy pulling the ultimate game of reverse psychology or what? How about we bring back the old witch burning thing? We can put him in a fire, if he burns and dies, we can just shrug it off with, "Oops, my bad!" Who's with me?! Okay, world news bores me.
  • If "Gray Hair Guy" doesn't win that Idol show, that' s going to suck.
  • When one retires from his everyday duties as a compliance specialist... then what? Because I gotta be honest with you, this is the longest I've been free to do anything besides go to class, work, go to practice, and sleep. Any ideas?
  • That investing in a horse and carriage, Chazz Ingalls style, is looking more and more realistic right about now. $2.85 a gallon?! Get the f*** outta here!
  • Elect Jonny R. in '06! I mean, if you want to. It's your decision after all. Whatever you feel is best for the RL Nation. Rock and roll!
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