Friday, February 09, 2007

Vink, Vink

2153 Hours


The amount of time and energy I’ve been able to put towards video production equals zero. Well, that’s a lie… I have a pant-load of ideas in my rotten brain which counts towards effort I suppose. One idea in the works is doing “SitDowns” with locals who are impacting the lives of those around them. The scheduling conflict/communication is the reason the first in the series has been held up but is in the process of being rescheduled. Though I have others in mind, it’s just up to them if they trust me to make them not look bad (if that made sense… it did in my head.) Another idea thrown to me by Mr. King was to follow him around, check out the sights and hilarity will ensue. But as of right now, the job is taking up so much time I don’t want to take away time from the family. You know. So I shall keep the world posted on the “Happs” of the world renowned 94 Warriors Studios (I can say “world renowned” because there was a profile visit from Australia, mate! It was on the map and maps don’t lie.)

Other stuff that has passed through the rotten hell known as my mind:

You would think Sara Silverman would be an ideal star for a TV show. Guess not.

Am I the only one who is sick of Ivory Latta?

The sweat pants that I wore during the softball season have been quite comfy during these cool winter days and I was considering converting my usual jeans look for sweats everyday. Though Jerry once said to George that is was like “giving up,” I am seriously considering it. But is it possible to be taken seriously when you wear sweats to work everyday? Do I dare find out? Maybe I should be satisfied that I can still fit in to my “Husky” jeans.

Two years later, though my ban on NBA watching was lifted last season, I’m still not watching for some reason. (On a side note regarding the NBA; when I see Allen Iverson, Carmelo Anthony or any other player with cornrows, my head starts to itch… anyone else? If I were David Stern, I would require haircuts so my players wouldn’t be confused with WNBA players with thin-chick moustaches.)

With the big “3-1” coming up, and being that the RLPD cancelled their/our dinner on Monday (I was going to use it as my own B-Day bash to make it look like I had hundreds of niijiis) I’m going to have to do my "Gerhard" elsewhere. Bonanza perhaps? Vink, vink. (And Tina Fey is going to hell.)

By the way, I’m still taking ideas for video productions. Bring it on!


Blogger Jason Paul Kazarian said...

Well, that’s a lie… I have a pant-load of ideas in my rotten brain which counts towards effort I suppose.

Sounds very much like me. I wonder if anyone has a method for channeling bursts of ideas into a script.

Jason Paul Kazarian

9:52 AM  

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