Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Summer That Were... Or Was

Once again it seems as if we are only getting 3 weeks of summer. There’s about a month left and those weekends are already taken for me with 3 birthdays and my 7th anniversary, which for pretty much the whole summer left little time for my Battle River project. Being that it was an independent project, which meant all the production costs would come from my pocket, there were little funds for such a huge (by my standards anyway) project. I mean, I could’ve done it, but my kids would be in rags with little in the cupboards to eat which probably would’ve left me homeless and pulling my wife’s shoe out of my ass. So, though it’s not what I wanted it to be, the Battle River DVD will be done in a few weeks.

Let’s see… what else is there, besides “Scott Baio is 45… and Single,” and is raping my eyes and ears. Is this what “Entourage” looks like 15 years down the road, two has-beens and a couple of guys that are trying too hard when the camera is on them? Sometimes I am ashamed to be a man. What happened to you, Wayne Arnold, the Michael Jordan of big brothers?

Getting back to Battle River, the few times I was out on the trail with them, I realized “You got my back?” and “Whaaaatch thiiiiis…” is not something you want to hear when you’re out with them when they’re out “mingling.”

I’m thinking of going to barber school. I mean, someone has to put a stop to “The Mullet” and “The Tail.” (I recently gave my nephew a haircut and purposely left him a “Tale” to be the “Uncle of All Uncles” and hateful like the late, great “Joe Rob.” It backfired because my eccentric nephew loved it. So the jokes on me and I now have to polish my uncle skills some more… and now my nephew has a TAIL!)

This is just fuckin’ great! Its bad enough my MySpace friends are deserting me, now I have to deal with this shit?

For those of you that look at my profile and don’t understand where I’m from, you better recognize! Sid and I were born and raised.

Some of you may have noticed a short fat guy huffing and puffing around the Red Lake Independence Day powwow with a camera (a handsome one I might add). Yeah, that was me, struggling to get up those steps and sweating like a pig (though technically, pigs don’t sweat, but an argument could be made after checking out the RL powwow.) I’m still working on the footage, which takes so long because you can’t just throw footage together and expect a decent product. I mean I could, but I like to use that as an excuse for being lazy. So that footage should be out within the next couple of weeks.

Long live Chief Rain in the Pants! Hoka! (My new word from being on the powwow trail… that and “Oh-huh, oh-huh.”


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