Friday, September 29, 2006

Coming Soon: 94 Warriors Studios

2010 Hours

Yes, I am home on a Friday night watching cartoons… just like always thought I would be doing when I was a kid.

It looks like someone jumped the gun on “Jonny R. National Hug Day.”

But anyway… well, it’s official; I’m going into business for myself. I got the word yesterday that my small business loan was approved. At first, I was a little nervous. For years I’ve been saying they don’t give us a chance to succeed around here. It’s like everyone is afraid to succeed because someone will always try and bring you down. But for me, it was like them making me put my money (actually, theirs until I pay it back) where my big mouth is. I was more afraid to fail than anything else. And that’s a big fat Jabba the Hut “Was.” But I’m ready now. So… challenge accepted!

I should have all of my equipment by the end of next week, take the weekend to get a feel for it and be up and running the week after. So this is it… it’s my turn to “Put up or shut up.”

Did you know I’m a “Thug?” I live the “Thug Life,” baby! Well, that’s according to the late, great Tupac Shakur. In “Tupac: Resurrection,” he referred to himself as a “Thug” because of him being an underdog or something of that nature. If I’m wrong with that wording, please correct me because I don’t want to look it up. Being that I am an underdog myself, Tupac would consider me a “Thug.” What?! So when I see these kids in their red or blue maid bandanas, I just want to hug them because I am a “Thug/Underdog” as well. So next time you see “Thug,” think underdog. Me and my fellow “Thugs” will all hug on “Jonny R. National Hug Day” which is the 3rd Saturday in October. And everything will be all better and shit!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


2208 Hours

“We are gathered here today to celebrate this thing we call life…” and I forgot the rest of the song. Yes, I’m a bad Minnesotan, I know. WTF is up?! For me, the past few months have been overly satisfying. I mean, I don’t even deserve what I have. But I have it and I’m not giving any of it up, so suck it!

Since about late July, I was employed at “Warrior Down” for approximately 3 weeks, moved over to the RLHS since August, have been playing softball by finishing up the Redby league with a 6-8 record, had a baby boy by the name of Jaxson Ray Roberts (actually, my wife had him… I just supervised the birth stuff) who is named after the “Uncle Master” Raymond Joseph Roberts (kinda named after him I suppose), dropped out of “Fat School” (the “Balancing Our Lifestyle” program), got my kids school supplies/clothes, paid for 3 birthdays within 39 days, started Red Lake Fall Softball League by going 4-0 (no thanks to this no-talent (but surprisingly speedy…ask my teammates!) rally killer), turned in another application to start my own business (not to mention eagerly anticipating the rejection letter in the upcoming days so I can give those above me feces about not giving us with bad credit another chance… (and I’ll say for the 864th time) Jesus forgave!!! You all think you’re bigger and better than Jesus?! Oh, and got my oldest her stupid violin for free lessons at school. Woo! I need a smoke.

Enough about me… nah, let’s keep talking about me and how clueless I am about the “Rez Life.” The Red Lake Nation is hurting for… I don’t know what… hug perhaps? “Let’s hug it out, b****,” as Ari Gold would say. (Yeah, I still censor myself. Being a father has really caused my usually R-rated life turn to motherf*****’ PG! All of this is just in case my children ever come across this site, so there.) I suppose alcohol is the downfall of it all. Or drugs. Or stupidity. F*** it! Let’s blame all of it and enjoy our descent into hell. Bring some sunscreen!

Speaking of Satan’s place, I remember when “Buzz” Gustafson (I know all of you old “River Roaders from the mid to late 90s know who Buzz is… that’s bush… bush league) was on one of his rants where he brought up how some Mormons (or some other religion where you can marry more than one broad… oh, that’s the only one?) believed that we were already living in hell. At the time, it didn’t seem likely. But now, at least everybody I know is in it with me! Though I would not admit to saying “There is no one else I would go to Hell with” about most of you. But I still love you. Not you (points with lips) though.

Friday, September 22, 2006

I Shall Return Soon...

I'm a busy working man, uh... man! No time to share stuff. But I shall return soon. 2,000 visits! I rule. Let's turn this into the new "Red Lake Forum" since ours was so rudely taken away. Any thoughts from my loyal 4 readers? What about any of the 2,000+ visitors? Keep this site active because I have no time right now. Just a thought. Okay, I'll start... um, Miskwaagamiiwiizagi'igan Wiisinin-something has ridiculous prices. We must be rolling in it, right? Any thoughts, questions, rumors or snide remarks to share?

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Don't You Think?

0159 Hours

What the hell was that?! Sobriety does things to your mind, man! Forgive me.

Does anybody else have faith in the direction of the Red Lake Nation? I… I’m losing faith. Those in charge have so much power it’s kind of scary to think about what they’re going to do. Do they have too much power? I think they do. The guy running Red Lake Foods is getting out of hand. If him being on the council, having his own business AND being the manager of Red Lake’s main source of retail is not a major conflict of interest, I don’t know what is. He tried to take from my mom but couldn’t get away with it and it looks like he’s doing it again to someone else. Can they give each other jobs like that? Of course they can. Should they? No. But hey man, like the lawyer said, they’re our laws, we have to decide how we want to use them. Gawdamn! I’m starting to sound like Bill Lawrence!

Speaking of politics, I remember during the Little Rock Candidate’s Forum in May when someone had a question for the chairman candidates about drug/alcohol testing for all members of the council as well as the hereditary chiefs but the question was pushed aside. That would’ve been an excellent question. I also recall Karen Norris-Barrett having something in her literature about how tribal council members should follow tribal laws regarding alcohol/drugs if the rest of the members of Red Lake have to abide by them.

What does all of this have to do with anything? I guess I’m just fed up with the works. It’s nothing that’s happening to me personally, it’s just a lot has gone wrong around here for so long. Is this an environment for kids to grow up in? I know I wouldn’t want my kids to grow up here with all of the drugs and alcohol that plague us. What have I done to help you might ask. Well, I quit drinking myself, I offered my services as a volunteer youth softball coach and ran for the Little Rock Representative to try and make a difference. But right now I’m on the verge of giving up on this place. All there is left for me to do is take care of my kids and this isn’t the place for them to grow up. There is a face that I don’t want them to see that still lurks around here. Far too long I’ve relied on not taking my kids to certain places so we don’t come face to face. It’s not us that should leave and we didn’t. But something has to be done around here to restore the faith. To be quite honest, I don’t think that’s possible. We have failed each other.

I’m off to do another moonwalk.

If you’re in the mood to hear deeper thoughts about Red Lake, check out James King’s blog at I had the opportunity to work with him and was wowed by his knowledge.

Cheers, Mate!

0110 Hours

With only a few decades of life for me on your planet, I’ve wondered out loud many a time what is my purpose for being. What’s yours? For me, I don’t think being a fat drunk was something I could do for the rest of my life so I quit. Thank God I’m a lazy quitter. With the current shenanigans happening on a daily basis, one has to wonder how long this will continue. How much longer will the pollution of society be accepted? (Check out my big words!) I don’t think any of this will end anytime soon. Good lord that’s a depressing topic. BOO!!! Shame on us all. (I sure do say that a lot.) Maybe if I were to ever fall off this high horse we call sobriety, I would be able to look the other way. But I’m actually having a decent time being a sober mess.

This is the brain child of a man who had hit rock bottom. Nothing mattered to me 15 months ago and nobody impressed me enough to rethink my options. As sad as this will sound, not even my children could convince me to stop. I look back at those years as a drunk with shame. I mean I’m humiliated at how I used to live my life. To be quite honest, I’m lucky to be alive. There were so many times that I would wake up from drinking the next day and wonder how I got home and someone would tell me that I drove myself home. It still scares me.

Do I deserve what I have? Should I have been given so many chances? No. But I will cherish every single day I get out of what’s left of my life, which should be… according to my latest calculations… carry the 7… 71 years and 4 days.

I write this for myself… because I’m selfish. But for those that read this who like to go out, have a few to get away from the kids, one night could ruin it all. And that happens around here a lot.

Now I’m even more depressed.

To get out of that mood, I will now moonwalk across my living room floor. It’s amazing what a little moonwalk will do for a bro. I encourage everyone to try it once in a while.

Let’s go! Drink ‘em up! You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here!

And no, I don’t miss that life one bit no matter how much I hear your drinking stories.
Music Video:WITHOUT ME (by Eminem)

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