Friday, April 14, 2006

Let's Hug It Out...

A line from one of my new favorite TV characters, Ari Gold. I can't wait for "Entourage" to come back! Who's with me? That show always has me wondering who is going to be in my entourage. Would I have to go back to drinking to be cool? Nah. I would probably end up like Dave Chappelle. Step back before it gets out of hand. But that is so far fetched it's not even going to be an issue.

Or is it?

Before in my election blog (, I mentioned how we have so many talented people in Red Lake. Singers, DJ's, actors, artists, writers, and comedians. We could turn Red Lake into the "Entertainment Capital of Indian Country." Why not? Who's with me?! I think that should be something that could be looked into. Since Hollywood refuses to acknowledge us, lets make our own way with our own money and talent. Just a thought for the 21st century. Talk amongst yourselves.

Monday, April 10, 2006

No Movie This Year...

The deadline for submitting my movie for the BSU movie contest has come and gone. This year I won't be submitting one due to time, uninterest, and cameras that weren't in the best condition. So maybe next time.

As for other ventures, they're going. The campaigning is out there for the public (with internet access) to see. The coaching youth softball has started with mini-practices going on the past couple of days and will continue, as of right now, every evening starting at 6:00pm at the Red Lake ball fields. Kids who want to learn the game and have fun that are ages 8-13 are welcome. Speaking of which, I have a blog up for that purpose; if you want to know about team happenings. So check that out if you or someone you know is interested in joining our team.

Other things going on... nothing much. Just watched "24" and am continually amazed at how awesome that show is. I wish I could talk like Jack Bauer.

As for my life story... give me a minute. I must update the Wolfpack blog.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Jonny R. Hour

Welcome to another edition of "The Van DOWN BY THE RIVER!" I'm your host, Jonny R. In today's episode, we will be discussing a number of topics. Chime in if you will by leaving a comment. Your views will be greatly appreciated. Let's get started, shall we?

Topic #1. Baseball.
With the new season upon us, and the Cubs pretty much having a good handle on the competition on their way to a world championship (their first in 98 years) by looking at their 3-1 record so far, is the whole Barry Bonds fiasco boring everyone? My point of view is, for some reason, steriods weren't illegal until about 3 or 4 years ago, if in fact he did use them. How are we supposed to know that he took them from '99 on. Should we take him to testify in front of congress to see if he'll cry like Mark McGwire? Bonds has been the greatest player of my generation, a player that I've watched since the mid-80s up until the present. Did he take steroids? Who knows? If he did, is there proof of him shooting himself in the ass? Not likely. Were steroids illegal back then? No. Personally, I'm starting to believe the whole racism thing. McGwire didn't go through this. God bless the double standard.

Okay, I think I put too much thought into that one somehow.

Topic #2. Any suggestions? None? Well, let's just wing it.
Well call this "Society in General." What the hell is happening to our world?! A world where Paris Hilton can be called a superstar, rappers and their friends crowding the stage talking about... I really don't know. I can't understand a single word they're saying besides the usual F-words. (Are all other profanities considered F-words even though they start with different letters? I need confirmation on this.) This has me neglecting the whole music world altogether. I don't know who is cool anymore. I'm back to listening to Guns 'N Roses, Johnny Cash, and country on the radio for crying out loud! I was wondering one day how one decides on which road to fame they decide on. Do they go on "Montel" thinking that a talent agent is watching and saying to themselves, "You know, this girl/guy baby making machine making an ass of themselves on national TV has a chance at an Oscar/Grammy/Emmy if given the right outlet." I doubt it. Wait, has there ever been anyone who has taken that route? You would think there would be at least one. Just wondering. Fame must suck. You work your ass off to get it, work even harder to keep it, lose your privacy, everything is a lot more expensive than what you earned on "Fear Factor (or any reality TV show)" so you compromise your morals and make an unflattering "Surreal Life" appearance, a "Watch me come back and rebuild my career" special, or a sex tape. Sucks being them!

God bless living in the woods!

This sounds just like my very own TV show! Eh, maybe not.

Hmm... as for my story I started so many different times throughout the past year, it's coming along, but not as fast as I would like it to. It could be a novel someday. But then that might bring fame, thus making me a hip-- nah, it won't get that far. With even less time to make up stories, I hope my internal RAM can hold all of my thoughts. People are behind me watching me type! I'm getting paranoid! I'm outta here.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Listen Up!

1749 Hours

Spring is in the air, the snow is melting and unveiling garbage I forgot to pick up late last fall, the dogs are done humping like there’s no tomorrow, and most importantly; BASEBALL is back! This is the year, baby! Did you see that dirty smack the Cubs layed down on the Reds today? 16-7! If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is. The year of the underdogs! I don’t know if I shared this before, but the reason I threw my hat into the political ring was to restore the balance of our world. I figure if I can make enough noise as a politician, and possibly win, I could change the way the world looks at people like myself and those like me. Though I haven’t been cursed with bad luck, there have been on more than one occasion some things that could’ve went my way, but didn’t. With this new endeavor, I plan to change all of that for all who have experienced the shortfalls life has so cruelly cursed us with. I declare this, much like the original symbol of suffering, George Louis Costanza, who so gallantly declared, “The Summer of George,” I do by declare this season, “The Summer of the Underdog!” We shall over come all! Who’s with me?! Don’t leave me hanging like Bluto after his Pearl Harbor speech! This is it, baby! We shall overcome!

That will be all. DISMISSED!!!

P.S. Rock and roll!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Chapter 1.990

1101 Hours

Well, I’m signed up for the movie contest at BSU. My creative side is coming back to me. With the whole election process taking (surprisingly) not very much of my time, I’ve had visions of Hollywood more and more lately. I can’t really explain that but, I’m going to run with it. I don’t want the fame that comes along with it, just the satisfaction that my work could possibly entertain or inspire someone. My creative outlet will no longer be ignored like a red-headed step child! No offense, red-headed step children. I just couldn’t think of anything clever at the time.

Did you know you could by Boyz II Men’s “Coolyhighharmony” for $1.97 on ebay? And if you don’t know, now you know!

But anyway, where was I with my life story? Hmm…

Now that I think back to those days, I realize that I wasted so much time being a lazier than average kid. I could have learned to be a craftsman by watching Grandpa Shorty. He could turn a stick into a beautiful, shiny cane for my Grandma Maggie or a large board and a couple of screws into a door for his cousin in a matter of minutes. I blame “Sesame Street” and “Electric Company” for the lack of attention I gave my grandpa. Curse you, Public Television! Curse you to heck!

Baseball and working with his tools and boards was all I’d ever seen this man do. But like every other hard working man, he loved him some brews. It’s your God given American right to enjoy a frosty one after a long days work, right? (This wasn’t the first time I had been witness to alcohol consumption. I was born on the Southside of the M-P-L-S, baby! I had seen it all by the time I came up to the woods [there's a rap song in there somewhere; Growin' up in da woods…I just made that up!] well, not really. I just thought it would sound cooler.) You know they say the “Real” you comes out when you’re drunk; and this man couldn’t have been any nicer. The only time I had made him made was when I was trying to be funny and tried to steal his smokes out of his pocket while he was sitting at the table, pick-pocket style. Well, I thought I had committed the crime of the decade when his hand reached back, caught my hand, he pulled me to the table, told me to sit down. He asked what I was doing, I told him I was trying to be funny. He grabbed a smoke from his pack that I thought I had successfully taken, lit it up and said, “You think you can be cool smoking these?” From there, guess who had his first (and last) cigarette of his life? Maybe that’s why I don’t smoke now. Who knows? It was a tough lesson to learn, but learned nonetheless. Point taken, Grandpa Shorty. Point taken.
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