Wednesday, December 21, 2005

And... Go!!!

1632 Hours

This is just to see how fast I can type. My work day is almost done and I have nothing else to do for the next 28 minutes. I’ve been thinking of many topics that could be turned into a movie for some reason. Maybe I won’t get into the movie business but its fun to imagine that someday I will. What would the world do with stories told by an underachieving slacker who has a big mouth only inside of his head, laugh me out the door? Probably. But with growing up in the projects the first few years of my life, on to the mean streets of “Hooterville” for a few years in the ‘80s, I have a lot of info that shouldn’t be leaked. Should I wait until I leave the “Rez” to spill the beans? Hmm… interesting. I sound a lot more interesting than I am on some days. I have my moments. With quitting time slowly approaching, I’m running out of things to think about. Time goes by sooooo slowly (Righteous Brothers, baby! That’s really old school!) WTF?! All of that only took 7 minutes to write. Maybe I’m not as interesting as I previously thought I was. Christmas is almost here and almost gone! Good. Yeah, that’s right! I said the mean streets of “Hooterville!” What?! Those were the day’s man! An original “Hooterville Sav.” Okay, that’s over 17 minutes of writing. I’m out for the day. I'm sorry to bore you. NO I'M NOT!!! YOU WILL BE BORED AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Light Is Getting Too Bright

1230 Hours

After 179 days without alcohol, I’m now officially sure that those days of drunken stupidity are over. Alcohol-free days of stupidity though are still in full swing! I had to add that up over and over again to make sure my math skills haven’t faded. That’s almost 6 months! Is there some kind of award for that? What the hell?! But I guess I’ve officially kicked my habit; one down, many more to go.

Speaking of kicking habits, this is my 3rd day without a soda. Now that’s something for me to be proud of. I’ve been on the stuff for as long as I can remember. It’s going to be quite a long journey for that one.

Anyway, the days and nights have been going fast for me lately. It could be the season, the cold weather, the lack of stress, or whatever. Maybe it’s just the lack of hobbies. All I do is watch TV and… well, that’s pretty much it. I guess I should do more with my life. I’m taking suggestions.

Well, I’ve updated the blog atmosphere by changing the title, putting a video and a counter on the site, which by the way isn’t good for the self esteem of a struggling blogger. The count is up to the 80’s, so at least some people have noticed. I thought I would try something new since it’s been a year that I’ve been a blogger. I really don’t have time for blogging with work and TV in the way all of the time. I’m on my lunch break right now if anybody cares or wants to complain.

179 DAYS I SAID!!!

Just had to get that out of my system ‘cause it still doesn’t seem real. 6 MONTHS!!!

And a big congratulations goes out to the “Little Fella” for getting his radio station going. Good job, little buddy! Red Lake Radio, who woulda thunk it? The “Rez” is moving up in the world.

I’m starting to miss the sport of softball already. The coaching got to me. I can’t wait to coach again next year. Go Wolfpack!

Is it me, or is 50 Cent starting to lose his mass appeal?! What?! I said it! What?!

Alright, who keeps telling Bon Jovi they can come back? I mean, what’s with the song, “Have a Nice Day?” Has the world run out of song ideas?

When I get rich, I’m going to have to ask you all to not bother me. I mean, I’ll dish out a few loans or grants, but as for living a life in a fishbowl with Paris Hilton sniffing around me? I don’t thing so. As for how I’m going to get rich, I have no idea. All I know is that I’m going to be rich someday and not in the rich with love and happiness kind of way either; the dirty, rotten, filthy, rule-the-world kind of rich. So rich I’ll almost be wealthy. Like Chris Rock said, “Shaq is rich… the guy who signs his check is wealthy.”

And with those words, I bid you adieu! For now. I'm bilingual, you know? Okay, I'm not. I just saw that somewhere and thought it would look cool... guess not.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Important News Flash...

Due to the lack of attention one of the great comic geniuses of my life time has received, a one Chris Farley, this blog will now be changed from the Native American referenced, "From The Bottom Of The Totem Pole" to "The Van DOWN BY THE RIVER!"

You my continue on with your day.

In a Van... DOWN BY THE RIVER!!!

1236 Hours

Forgive me Father for I have sinned. It has been 11 days since my last confession… or post. You betchyour balls I’m back! Woo! Now I’m ready to rip the blogworld a new one! Rock and roll! As I approach my first full year as a blogger, I noticed the enormous gaps in between posts and seeing as this is what the world will know me as, unless I become a big time player in the movie/writing business, I should pay more attention to my creative outlet. (Check out the big words I just used!)

Yeah, well I took the time to reflect on life, death, world issues, my junk food intake, and how I’m enjoying life with all the unfortunate incidents that happen on a daily basis outside of my little circle. I’m horrible, I know. But I have decided to give college one last try. This will be my very last attempt. I don’t really like where my career is going. I feel I could use what little creativity I have towards something more productive, entertaining the masses, and most importantly… a lot more fun and a lot less time consuming, somewhere where creative laziness is appreciated. Impossible you say? Well, I’ll agree with you there. But pioneers have to start somewhere, aye?! I’ll figure something out eventually.

My time here in Red Lake has been the ultimate roller coaster ride. So many ups and downs, I’ve had the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. But I think it’s time to move on, it’s time to get off of the ride known as the “Rez Life.”

So with those wheels set in motion, I have to find out how that would be feasible. Again, I’ll figure out something eventually.

Maybe someday I’ll realize not everybody will see the world as I see it. I’m a spoiled brat, I suppose; my way or the highway. Should I do it like Fred Durst, or Ol’ Blue Eyes and say that “I Did it My Way”? That’s a no brainer. Sinatra, baby! (By the way, for all of you kids, Fred Durst had this kick-ass band [at the time] at the beginning of the millennium, Limp Bizkit… and no I’m not proud to admit that I thought they kicked ass.)

Or maybe I was destined to be stuck behind a desk for the rest of my life. But, as I’ve said in my last post, I used to think that everything happens for a reason… now I’m not so sure. Thinking like that helped me somewhat understand all that happens in this hell we call society. But in a world full of B-Rad G’s, I don’t want to leave my life in the hands of destiny or fate. I have no idea if that made sense, but it seemed like it did in my soda pop/ham sandwich fueled inner monologue.

Speaking of this B-Rad G. world, Gwen kinda looks like the girls did back in my day in her “Luxurious” video; the big hoop earrings, the hair… the works! Gawdamn I miss the early/mid ‘90s! Don’t you? Back when it was Hammer Time! Ah, yea. That’s old school.

And speaking of the early ‘90s, did you see Frankie J. bustin’ out the game room rock tune “More Than Words” by Extreme?! It looks like I’m not the only one who misses those days.

That's damn near 600 words, peeps I'm outta here!

And in that van down by the river is where I do my best thinking.
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