Wednesday, December 22, 2004

NBA Needs Help

Christmas time is upon us once again. This is the time of the year the main focus is on the family, friends and all that other crap, uh... I mean, all that means the most to us. Children will be disappointed by the lack of good presents they receive, parents will be spent physically and financially and getting ready for New Years, and of course prima donna athletes being showcased on the (for some) holiest of holidays. Yes, it's Shaq vs. Kobe I (where ABC is hoping for the worst and will hope to profit from it). But first watch and see if the Pistons and Pacers go into the stands once again and hurt those that pay their (ridiculous) salaries! What wholesome entertainment for the whole family! Like I said before, I have given up on the NBA. I haven't watched ONE game since the season started, which I still can't believe. With all athletes dressing like they're in a rap video, hair in corn rows, tattoos of God knows what, bad attitudes and rubbing all of their money in my face, it was time to take a stand. Who's standing with me?! Huh? Huh? Have there been any statistics on how the NBA has fared attendance wise since the Pacers/Pistons brawl? I haven't seen any. Is that something they don't want to share? Or what?! And what the hell is up Latrell Sprewell's pooper? $14 million doesn't feed a family anymore? What the hell do you feed your kids? Telling a female fan (whose money eventually goes into his pocket) to pleasure him in a particular way, while kids in the stands are watching him play a game. I haven't heard an apology from that issue yet, like those usually fake ones made up by the team spokesman. There was an article about him in the Star Tribune on Sunday that I didn't bother reading because I glanced at it and saw that he does what he wants and doesn't care what I think about it. I don't have much money, but what I do have I'm sure as hell not going to spend it on punks with no manners or respect. So suck on that Sprewell and all the of you like him! Eventually, nobody will be there to support your wealthy lifestyle.


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