Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The Jon Rises Again!

Sitting here at my new desk (it's 40 minutes old), I'm wondering what I'm going to do when the next semester starts. I took the fall semester off to take care of some family business and earn some money. Do I want to return to being a poor college student with average grades who constantly worries about money, or should I stay in the workforce for a while and enjoy getting paid every 2 weeks? What to do, what to do. A drastic decision like this requires a night on the town! Which, by the way, is possible a lot more often. I have 3 years of college experience under my tight belt, and have enjoyed every minute of it (except for being broke all of the time). I know I could try to do both, but they will both suffer. Hey! Napoleon Dynamite comes out today! So that's pretty much my evening. Maybe I'll get some guidance from that movie. Movies have always inspired me for some reason even though I know they're fake. I'm off to the city!


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